Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  • Data usage
  • All the data you provide us is kept strictly confidential and we will share only the necessary information with our partners and third party as it is necessary to perform the services to you and this is agreed in advance.
  • We treat the privacy of your personal data very seriously and we will do all efforts to protect your personal information accordingly.
  • We will not sell or redistribute the personal information you will provide and we will use it only as needed to perform the services.
  • Personal data is any kind of information that identifies you as an individual such as Email, First and last name, billing and shipping address, Credit card information.
  • You as a customer must also treat the information provided to MUSIC PROMOTION CORP during the collaboration and after the collaboration has ended as strictly confidential and not pass it to any other third party unless otherwise agreed upon.
  • If you want your data deleted as of a customer, you must send us an email to, and we will make the arrangements for the data deletion related to you.
  • We will never share your personal information with anyone, except if required so by a court of law.
  • The information submitted to us is available to our employees only as needed to contact you based on your requests for information or to deliver the services as contracted by you.
  • The language for orders is English.
  • We store all the information related to your order and requests for information.
  • We make all the efforts to keep the personal information you provide us secure and safe, and not accessible to unauthorized people.

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