About Us

About Us
They say “music is the food of the soul” and there’s no doubt about it. Similarly, nobody is a born music superstar and there’s no denying about that too. Everyone needs a push to get the public hype and achieve the attention of commoners and this is why we launched our platform in the shape of promote spotify. In the current world of highly technological mechanisms & tools, we ensure to put your promotion tactics on the right track & let you attain all the attention that your talent deserves.

What do we do?
We are not just another business launched for revenue motives only instead we came into existence after extensive experience under our belt to help you procure the recognition. With the virtue of our years of experience, we are fully equipped with all the skills & knowledge to take your promotion responsibility on our shoulders. Our team of professionals is well versed with modern days marketing strategies and social media technicalities, and thus, we work untiringly to form a concrete audience for your music.
At Music Promotion, our services are not confined to only a few mediums of marketing, instead, we are fully committed to helping you with almost all social media platforms to help your voice be heard by the people. Whether is it Instagram, YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, iTunes or even Radio promotion, we have all that it takes to get you a large audience & fan following on any social media platform as per your choice. We make it sure that the rest of your followers, fans or subscribers are real persons & possess real accounts in order to prevail a sheer sense of foolproof service. We do not only believe in making unreal promises or fake commitments, instead, but we also prove what we claim in the pursuit of offering what we call “the best”.

Our customer values:
We have a staunch faith over the fact that customers are an integral part of any business and thus the regard for our customers is always our priority. In the same regard, we never become a financial burden on new or even wannabe singers and ensure that each package plan comes your way ever so affordable. We have the privilege to work with as many as 10,000 clients so far and offering a new sensation to your music career always remained our utmost goal.

The privacy aspect of the clients is taken seriously and we consider ourselves as guardians of it. Despite the fact that we have thousands of satisfied customers, however, in order to put forward a feeling of trust & confidence, we offer a refund guarantee in case if you are not happy with end results. Moreover, if you have a question, query or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach us out and we will get back to you as soon as possible!!

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